Br. Eugene Morgan


Ordained: 1952
Died: 02/04/2019
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Brother Eugene Morgan started as the Dean responsible for discipline at Calvert Hall College High School in 1966 and then became the typing teacher in 1968. In August 2018, a victim reported being sexually abused by Eugene Morgan in the late 1970s when he was on the swim team. Morgan would often make the boys swim naked, and on one occasion, he grabbed and fondled the victim’s genitals on the pool deck.

The Office of the Attorney General later interviewed a man who said that Morgan watched students strip down for swim class and punched a student hard enough to knock out one of his teeth. Charles LoPresto, a teacher at Calvert Hall in the 1970s, also reported that Morgan swam naked with the students and threw typewriters at them during typing class. Morgan has not been listed as credibly accused by the Archdiocese.