Fr. Garrett Orr

Father Garrett Orr

Order: SJ
Ordained: 1983
Status: Guilty plea
Diocese: Archdiocese of Washington DC and MD

Father Garrett Orr was accused in 2003 of abusing a boy at Georgetown Prep in 2002. He was suspended in 2004 and an investigation by Jesuits in 2006 found the allegations to be “substantially true.” According to the Catholic Directory, he was assigned to the Baltimore Jesuit Maryland Provincial Curia from 2006-2009.

Another allegation of abuse in 1989 was reported in 2009. Orr was arrested in January 2011 and charged with abuse of two individuals. He was indicted on February 23, 2011. Orr pled guilty on September 12, 2011 and was sentenced on November 10, 2011 to five years of probation and registration as a sex offender. He was laicized in 2008 and was included on the Maryland Province Jesuits list on December 17, 2018. Orr was also added to the Baltimore archdiocese’s list in February 2019.