Fr. George Hopkins

Father George Hopkins

Ordained: 1939
Status: Accused
Died: 09/12/1967
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Father George Hopkins was included in the Baltimore Archdiocese’s revised list on 4/24/2019 for being accused of abuse in the early 1950s, as he was promoted from Assistant Chancellor to Vice Chancellor in 1952. In 2007, the Los Angeles Archdiocese informed Baltimore that Father George Hopkins was also accused of sexually assaulting an adult in the same period. Hopkins was Chancellor from 1954 to 1965 and was given the title monsignor in 1956, as well as being an Archdiocesan Consultor and Rural Dean from 1965 to 1968. The Archdiocese’s list states that Hopkins left the priesthood in 1969 and later passed away. Hopkins was also included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General’s Report.

According to the report, Father George Hopkins was moved to Western MD in 1965 after the Archdiocese learned that he was involved with a woman whom he counseled through her divorce. He left his parish and attempted to marry the woman, then spent a year at a church in TN. Hopkins was laicized in 1974. The 2002 allegation was that he abused a girl in grades 1-3 at Cathedral School, while the 2007 allegation was that he raped a 25-year-old nun. Hopkins died in 1980.