Fr. Gerard Bugge

Father Gerard Bugge

Order: CSsR
Ordained: 1969
Status: Accused
Died: 11/18/2004
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Father Gerard Bugge, also known as Gerard Serafin, attended seminary in Esopus, NY, and was assigned to various parishes in Baltimore and Annapolis, MD, Washington, DC, and Lancaster, PA. He was named on the Baltimore archdiocese’s list of accused in 09/2002. In 1985, he admitted to engaging in inappropriate sexual activities with a minor. He had sexually abused a teenage boy whom he picked up while hitchhiking, and was later arrested for drunk driving, but child sex abuse charges were dropped. His faculties were removed after his order learned of the allegations. He died in November of 2004.

In 2018, a report was made to the archdiocese that Father Gerard Bugge had raped an approximately eight-year-old boy in 1975. The alleged victim said that Bugge was his Sunday school teacher and had taken him out of class to rape him in a closet. Bugge had also allegedly threatened the boy with hell if he told anyone. Bugge’s name is on the Harrisburg diocese’s list from 8/1/2018, although there are no known allegations against him there. He is included in the 4/5/23 MD Attorney General’s Report.