Fr. James Dowdy


Ordained: 1969
Status: Accused
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

In the late 1970s to early 1980s, Father James Dowdy allegedly committed sexual abuse, and in 1993, accusations against him surfaced. Admitting to sexually abusing two minors, Father James Dowdy’s faculties were revoked, and he was removed from his ministry. He was sent to St. Luke’s from January 1994 to July 1994, during which he disclosed his sexual abuse of boys.

In September 2002, his name was included in the Baltimore archdiocese’s list of priests and brothers accused of sexually abusing minors, and most recently, he was mentioned in the Maryland Attorney General’s report published on April 5, 2023. One of his victims claimed that the abuse started when he was 16 years old and continued for eight years.