Fr. Thomas Bevan

Father Thomas Bevan

Ordained: 1963
Status: Convicted
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Father Thomas Bevan (Monsignor,) held prominent Chancery positions and roles in the Boy Scouts. He served as the Executive Director of the Secretariat for Priestly Life and Ministry for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops from 1992 to 1997 and formed the Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse. In 2005, an allegation dating back to 1974 was made against him, but a review board found insufficient evidence and he was allowed to remain in ministry.

In August 2009, Father Thomas Bevan was removed from ministry after allegations that he sexually abused a boy multiple times at St. John’s School in Frederick between 1974 and 1979. He denied the allegations, but the Archdiocese learned of them in June 2009 and notified the police. In November 2009, four allegations were found to be credible and Bevan was permanently removed from active ministry. Criminal charges were filed in February 2010 and he entered into a plea agreement in September 2010, receiving a 10-year suspended sentence and 18 months of home detention. Bevan was laicized in 2016, and in July 2017, a settlement was reached.

The MD Attorney General’s 4/5/2023 report indicates that Bevan had boys stay at his cabin, provided them with alcohol, and watched them streak naked. Other adults, including priests, were sometimes present, also naked and drinking alcohol. Bevan’s name is included on the Archdiocese’s list of accused.