Sis. Theonella Flood

Placeholder Avatar - Woman

Order: SSND
Status: Settled
Died: 12/1/1988
Diocese: Archdiocese of Baltimore MD

Sister Theonella Flood (Theonilla,) also known as Mary Margaret Flood, was publicly named as an accused individual in the Maryland Attorney General’s report released on April 5, 2023. Her name was misspelled as Theonella; the correct spelling is Theonilla which was corrected in the report. In 2006, a man reported to the Archdiocese that Flood sexually abused him when he was 11-12 years old in 1956-1957 at St. Joseph Passionist Monastery School.

The man also reported abuse by Father Adrian Poletti at the same school. Flood passed away in 1988. In 2012, the man received a settlement of $38,000 from the Archdiocese, the Passionists, and the School Sisters of Notre Dame.