Stephen Brotzman


Status: Accused
Archdiocesan Schools:

  • St. Clement
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • St. Louis School
  • Immaculate Heart of Mary

In 2005, a former teacher, Steve Brotzman, passed away amid sexual abuse allegations. He previously taught at St. Louis Catholic School in Clarksville and several other Catholic schools in the Baltimore region.

The Archdiocese became aware of Steve Brotzman’s inappropriate emails to a girl, as well as an allegation of sexual abuse that involved him and another girl. Both incidents involved girls who were in their middle school or early high school years.

Additionally, Brotzman conducted a summer sports camp for young people in Baltimore and Howard Counties for several years. He initially held the camp at Our Lady Queen of Peace, then moved it to St. Louis from 1999 to 2003, and for the past two years, he held it at the Norbel School in Elkridge.